WordGirl Wiki
WordGirl Wiki

Mrs. Best is the mother of Victoria and Victor Best. She and her husband Mr. Best are constantly badgering Victoria to be the best at everything, and also urge Victoria to steal the prizes to various events. When they do so, they gain an evil red glow to their eyes while saying "Eyes on the prize". They also have a son and a poodle who are very talented at chess.



"Eyes on the prize..."
Mr & Mrs. Best


TV Show[]

No appearance
Nonspeaking Appearance
Mentioned, No appearance
Season Episode
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Season 3 Bummertime The Home Run King Granny and Clyde Too Loud Crew The Invisi-Bill Hand Birthday Town The Pretty Princess and Mr. Big Power Hour Clean Up in Aisle Eleven When Chuck's Mom Is Away... That's Entertainment Victoria Best Showdown at the Secret Spaceship Hideout Captain Tangent Chuck and Brent Ride Again Bend It Like Becky Questionable Behavior Bampy Battles Bots Truth, Revision, and the Lexicon Way Cherish is the Word Granny's Intuition The Straw That Broke Two Brains' Back Nocan the Evil Ingredient Finding Guy Meat-Life Crisis Mobot Knows Best A Better Mousetrap
Season 4 Sonny Days with a Chance of Showers Seymour... Right After This The Fill-In Word (Hicc)Up! Mouse Brain Take-Over Leslie Makes It Big Chuck with a Sidekick of Brent Yarn-4-Gold Whammer Anniversary Rat Trap WordGirl and Bobbleboy Crime in the Key of V Where Have All the Villains Gone? Captain Tangent Returns A World Without WordGirl Have Snob, Will Travel Tobey's Playground Calamity The Learnerer Mr. Big's Dinner and a Scam The Birthday Girl's Monstrous Gift Hal the Haggler Wordbot Mount Rushhere Road Rage, Anger, and Fury By Jove, You've Wrecked My Robot
Season 5 Seize the Cheese Ms. Question's Riddle Rampage The Meaty Dimension The Case of the Copied Mrs. Botsford The Good, The Bad, And The Chucky Granny's Pet Plan Hard-Learned Money Gift Pony Scary with a Side of Butter Talent Show Tobey Don't Mess with the Best Peanut Butter Battles Hello New Year, Goodbye Moon Art in the Park Plain Old Mischief Makers House Arrest Monkey Business Say it Again, Eileen Best Fan Club Meeting Ever Day at the Museum Who's Your Granny? Win a Day with WordGirl Dinner or Consequences Father's Day Dance-a-thon Big is Botsford's Boss
Season 8 Patch Game Girls Day Out Throws Chuck A Sticky Situation Eight Legs Vs. Two-Brains World's Best Dad The Good Old, Bad Old Days What Would WordGirl Do Granny's Corner Pineapple of My Eye Big Baby Staycation Dr. No-Voice Trustworthy Tobey The Tooth Hurts Time-Out with Two-Brains Dr. WordGirl-Brains Becky Knows Best As Something as Something The Ordinary, Extraordinary Botsfords The Penny, the Pony, and the Pirate Tim Botsford: Neighborhood Assistant Set Sail for the Bake Sale The Best of the Bests Art's Parts Rhyme and Reason

Ability Villains

The Birthday GirlThe ButcherMiss Power (Colonel Giggle Cheeks)Count CloudyEnergy MonsterLady Redundant Woman (DupeyEvil Malicious WordGirlRoyal Dandy)Victoria Best (General Smoochington)

Gadget Villains

Amazing Rope GuyCaptain Tangent (dogs)Chuck (Brent)Doctor Two-Brains (henchmenSqueaky)Glen Furlblam (cats)Granny May (Eugene)Tobey McCallister IIISeymour Orlando Smooth (ChipHarry)Mr. Big (Leslie)

Tobey's Robots

ArtsyCheckmate 3000
