WordGirl Wiki

Brent the Handsome Successful Everybody-Loves-Him Sandwich Making Guy is Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy's more successful and more popular older brother. He invented crustless bread.

Chuck doesn't understand Brent's popularity, due to not understanding how people could want crustless bread, and he is jealous of his brother's fame, thinking that he should be the most famous sandwich guy. Brent seems to harbor none of his sibling's feelings of rivalry, and even applauds and perhaps envies to an extent Chuck's simple basement-living, video game-playing life. He also doesn't care about the fact that his brother is a criminal.


He, like Chuck, has a sandwich head, but his skin tone is darker, he has freckles, and his lettuce-like hair is styled more.


Brent is first seen in the episode "Chuck's Brother". He comes to the city to receive the Golden Sandwich Award, which only increases Chuck's jealousy. Chuck steals his brother's award, but at WordGirl's advice he returns it, and at the end of the episode the two appear to have reconciled their differences, sharing a sandwich (crusted on one side, crustless on the other) while playing video games.

Brent reappears in the episode "Chuck and Brent Ride Again". Following the success of his crustless bread, he invents Peanut-Butter-and-Jelly bread, but it‘s rejected by the sandwich judges. As a result, he loses his confidence, along with his zest for sandwiches, and goes to visit Chuck for help. Chuck turns Brent into his sidekick, and they rob Edible Edibles Sandwiches (from "Chuck Makes a Buck"). While Chuck fights WordGirl, Brent and Reuben Grinder (the owner) discuss the conundrum, and Brent goes into business with Reuben. Reuben proposes that, instead of Peanut-butter-and-Jelly bread, they make Peanut-Butter bread and Jelly bread. The idea restores Brent's confidence.

Brent appears yet again in the episode "Chuck with a Sidekick of Brent", where he wants to make it up to Chuck for messing up their last robbery and to become his sidekick again. The trouble is that Brent keeps an organized schedule of their crime sprees and even fills the condiment ray with his condiment recipes, which Chuck dislikes, so he fires his brother and tries to turn the city into a giant sandwich (with a remote control designed to have no off-switch). After a big mustard spill, Edith von Hoosinghaus shows up and compliments Brent's mustard, telling him that they could make millions. Brent later appears at the end of the episode, giving his brother a sandwich that holds the key to get out of his cell.

Brent makes several cameo appearances since his premiere. In the episode "Oh, Holiday Cheese", Brent is at Chuck's house for the holidays, and gets a sandwich in his stocking along with Chuck. He also makes a small cameo at the end of the episode "The Home Run King" as a baseball fan in the bleachers. Also, during the debut episode of Victoria Best, his Golden Sandwich award is stolen by Victoria, but eventually is returned to him by WordGirl. Brent also appears in "A World Without Wordgirl", serving sandwiches to King Chuck and Sheriff Butcher, and in "The Rise of Miss Power" as one of the townspeople in jail.


TV Show[]
Y | Appearance
N | No appearance
S | Nonspeaking Appearance
M | Mentioned, No appearance
Season Episode
1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8a 8b 9a 9b 10a 10b 11a 11b 12a 12b 13a 13b 14a 14b 15a 15b 16a 16b 17a 17b 18a 18b 19a 19b 20a 20b 21a 21b 22a 22b 23a 23b 24a 24b 25a 25b 26a 26b
Season 2 A Vote For Becky Class Act The Two Brains Boogie Field Day Fun with Robo-Tobey Slumber Party Pooper Line Lessons with Lady Redundant Woman Mr. Big's Dolls and Dollars Great Granny May Theme Park WHAMpage Chuck Makes a Buck Highway to Havarti Tiny Big I Think I'm a Clone Now Answer All My Questions and Win Stuff Bonkers for Bingo The Ballad of Steve McClean Pretty Princess Premiere Where's Huggy? Robo-Camping The Stew, The Proud Who Wants Candy? Chuck's Brother Becky and the Bard Monkey-Robot Showdown The Wrong Side of the Law Two Brains' Quartet Big's Big Bounce The Young and the Meatless Mr. Big's Mini-Golf Nocan the Contrarian Meat My Dad Tobey's Tricks and Treats Escape Wham Who is Ms. Question? Lunch Lady Chuck Oh, Holiday Cheese Ch-ch-ch-Change Day WordGirl Makes a Mistake Earth Day Girl A Hero, A Thief, A Store, and Its Owner Opposite Day Granny's Book Club Wham Up Seeds of Doubt Wishful Thinking Lady Redundant Woman Gets the Blues Win a Shiny New Car The People vs. Ms. Question Oh, What a Tangled Rope You Tie, Amazing Rope Guy Kids Action News
Season 3 Bummertime The Home Run King Granny and Clyde Too Loud Crew The Invisi-Bill Hand Birthday Town The Pretty Princess and Mr. Big Power Hour Clean Up in Aisle Eleven When Chuck's Mom Is Away... That's Entertainment Victoria Best Showdown at the Secret Spaceship Hideout Captain Tangent Chuck and Brent Ride Again Bend It Like Becky Questionable Behavior The Straw That Broke Two Brains' Back Nocan the Evil Ingredient Finding Guy Cherish is the Word Granny's Intuition Bampy Battles Bots Truth, Revision, and the Lexicon Way Meat-Life Crisis Mobot Knows Best A Better Mousetrap
Season 4 Sonny Days with a Chance of Showers Seymour... Right After This The Fill-In Word (Hicc)Up! Mouse Brain Take-Over Leslie Makes It Big Chuck with a Sidekick of Brent Yarn-4-Gold Whammer Anniversary Rat Trap WordGirl and Bobbleboy Crime in the Key of V Where Have All the Villains Gone? Captain Tangent Returns A World Without WordGirl Have Snob, Will Travel Tobey's Playground Calamity The Learnerer Mr. Big's Dinner and a Scam The Birthday Girl's Monstrous Gift Hal the Haggler Wordbot Mount Rushhere Road Rage, Anger, and Fury By Jove, You've Wrecked My Robot
Season 5 Seize the Cheese Ms. Question's Riddle Rampage The Meaty Dimension (Episode) The Case of the Copied Mrs. Botsford The Good, The Bad, And The Chucky Granny's Pet Plan Hard-Learned Money Gift Pony Scary with a Side of Butter Talent Show Tobey Don't Mess with the Best Peanut Butter Battles Hello New Year, Goodbye Moon Art in the Park Plain Old Mischief Makers House Arrest Monkey Business Say it Again, Eileen Best Fan Club Meeting Ever Day at the Museum Who's Your Granny? Win a Day with WordGirl Dinner or Consequences Father's Day Dance-a-thon Big is Botsford's Boss
Season 6 Who Wants to Get Rid of WordGirl? The Talented Mr. Birg One Last Sandwich Caper or Plastic? Tell Her What She's Won! Victoria is the Best... WordGirl? High-Five Sandwich The Robot Problem Of Two Minds Yes Monkey The Rise of Miss Power Invasion of the Bunny Lovers Big and Brent Silence of the Whams Dr. Two Brains, Mr. Cheese Kitty Cat Criminals A Questionable Pair All That Chazz Fortune Crookie Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Crime Go Gadget Go Emergency Plan 999
Season 7 Kid Math A Few Words From WordGirl Ears To You El Queso Mysterioso Putt With Honor It's Your Party and I'll Cry if I Want To Becky's Bad-itude First One to Win Wins A Little Bigger WordGirl Guess Who's Coming To Thanksgiving Dinner Judging Butcher A Curious Case of Curiosity There's No V in Team Sparkling Clean The Smile Collector My Dad, My Teacher, My Dad, My Teacher The Power of Whamship Royally Framed WordGirl vs. Tobey vs. The Dentist Accordion Tradition Can't Touch This Backyard Camping Castle! Dungeon! Fortress! So? News Girl Diorama Drama: The Scene of the Crime
Season 8 Patch Game Girls Day Out Throws Chuck A Sticky Situation Eight Legs Vs. Two-Brains World's Best Dad The Good Old, Bad Old Days What Would WordGirl Do Granny's Corner Pineapple of My Eye Big Baby Staycation Dr. No-Voice Trustworthy Tobey The Tooth Hurts Time-Out with Two-Brains Dr. WordGirl-Brains Becky Knows Best As Something as Something The Ordinary, Extraordinary Botsfords The Penny, the Pony, and the Pirate Tim Botsford: Neighborhood Assistant Set Sail for the Bake Sale The Best of the Bests Art's Parts Rhyme and Reason


  • According to the show runners, Chuck and Brent are half siblings, they have the same mom but they have two different dads (explaining Brent's different skin tone).

Ability Villains

The Birthday GirlThe ButcherMiss Power (Colonel Giggle Cheeks)Count CloudyEnergy MonsterLady Redundant Woman (DupeyEvil Malicious WordGirlRoyal Dandy)Victoria Best (General Smoochington)

Gadget Villains

Amazing Rope GuyCaptain Tangent (dogs)Chuck (Brent)Doctor Two-Brains (henchmenSqueaky)Glen Furlblam (cats)Granny May (Eugene)Tobey McCallister IIISeymour Orlando Smooth (ChipHarry)Mr. Big (Leslie)

Tobey's Robots

ArtsyCheckmate 3000
