memorable experience for me: i was making a comic and accidentally typed Seymour want Orlando Smooth due to autocorrect and I type to fast it also made it change cause I was also getting letters wrong so it formed want out of random words like usual and I left it on the table for a second only to go to my room, come back with my sketchbook, my younger brother who was in the kitchen walked after me after 10 seconds of reading it, he tapped me and then asked, "Who is Seymour and why does he want Orlando Smooth?" Now it lives in my head rent free. This was a very long time ago really but I remember it everytime.
Even if he's a villain his name is to funny to ignore sometimes. I really like this character. Even if he is the enemy version of Beau Handsome.
why I like his first appearance in the show: because it was one of the first times that the creators went into the "May I Have A Word" show and showed that it was connected to the original world of WordGirl while still keeping the same plot of a supervillain here to play away at the hero. While still giving a good villain, I like when he captured WordGirl to force her to play his game, his attitude, amazed. Sometimes I wonder why they didn't reboot this but at the same time I understand when something gets rebooted, it usually turns out trash.
with all sincere, sorry this was long, and might do a bit more rambling on, on other characters, A Random Woman.