When it comes Eileen, I'm admittedly not the biggest fan of her. It's mainly because she often annoyed me in most of her appearances due to her bratty behavior. But, I will admit that I enjoyed her appearances in Sonny Days with a Chance of Showers and Say it Again, Eileen, and it's for the following reasons:
Sonny Days with a Chance of Showers: The comedy aspect of the episode was literally just so fun to watch, and Al Roker did a terrific job performing Sonny Days. Also, I love how, instead of Eileen being convinced to be generous by Wordgirl, she willingly wants to help Huggy by being her partner for the three-legged race at the Annual End of the Picnic Season Picnic.
Say it Again, Eileen: Even though Eileen is definitely not one of my favorite characters in the show, this episode was something that I found to be a breakthrough for her. She was still a little bratty, but yet...she was wanting to reach out to Becky as a friend, and at the end, she was willingly wanting to do what it takes to help Becky feel happy, which was heartwarming to see. To me, this was a real stepping stone for the character.
With all this being said, a thought had occurred to me regarding a potential story for Eileen.
What if, somehow, Eileen was "cured"? In this case, someone found a way to remove Eileen of her abilities to turn green and get gigantic based on her greed, reduced to forever being a normal kid?