I changed accounts for this and I’m the owner of this Rp (I’M STILL TOBEY!)
This is a Wordgirl rp and if you wanna rp here are the rules (And if you want to rp, tell in the comments)
You can choose up to two characters(you can choose one if you like) but no more than 2
Once Someone chooses two of the characters they like, you have to choose a different character in the role play
Wordgirl/Becky Botsford: @Art Creator 23
Captain Huggy Face/Bob:
Kid Math:
Tobey McCalister III: @Lilac.FennecFox (A.K.A @JoyforBuddies new account)
Dr. Two-Brains/Henchman: @Dr Tomi Brains
Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy:
Granny May:
The Butcher:
The Whammer:
Amazing Rope Guy: @Anorxngelizard
Mr. Big:
Kid Potatoe:
Birthday Girl:
Energy Monster:
Ms Question:
Victoria Best:
Seymour Orlando Smooth:
Miss Power:
Rhythm and Reason:
Lady Redundant Woman:
Violet Heaslip: @StardustCookie89
Todd “Scoops” Ming:
TJ Botsford:
Sally Botsford:
Tim Botsford:
Tell me if I’m allowed to do this
This is a Wordgirl rp and if you wanna rp here are the rules (And if you want to rp, tell in the comments)
You can choose up to two characters(you can choose one if you like) but no more than 2
Once Someone chooses two of the characters they like, you have to choose a different character in the role play
Wordgirl/Becky Botsford:
Captain Huggy Face/Bob:
Kid Math:
Tobey McCalister III: @JoyforBuddies
Dr. Two-Brains/Henchman:
Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy:
Granny May:
The Butcher:
The Whammer:
Amazing Rope Guy: @Anorxngelizard
Mr. Big:
Kid Potatoe:
Birthday Girl:
Energy Monster:
Ms Question:
Victoria Best:
Seymour Orlando Smooth:
Miss Power:
Rhythm and Reason:
Lady Redundant Woman:
Violet Heaslip
Todd “Scoops” Ming
TJ Botsford:
Sally Botsford:
Tim Botsford:
So in regular fandom fashion i've been watching animatic music videos and i'm imagining mr big in a "how bad can i be" animatic. but that got me wondering how all the villians kinda becamse villians. i know we have a few backstories, but it'd be really cool if we knew the specific events that lead up to the current series. were any of the villians friends before becoming villains, or did they meet due to their villainy? were there enough super villians before word girl became a hero that the city was in shambles? what instigated their villiany? external, personal benefit, a mix?? neither?? I NEED TO KNOW
Yerples i’m back at it again-
Been really into tgwdlm recently- it’s a good show, but pretty gory, with some mature humor- maybe not the beat for the lil uns who i assume are here, since this is a wiki for a kids show lol
Hello everyone I am a fellow guy who enjoys word girl just like you guys, I have some questions to ask what do you love the most about word girl what appeals to you the most about it, what are life messages you learn from it, and who’s your favorite character
40 Votes in Poll
For those who don't know, Squeaky is much more smarter then Dr. Two-Brains (With Squeaky being the second brain)
So lets just say 39-50 Is the Average for a person and I had no answer for the Average for a Mouse but lets just say twice as smart which would happen to be 78-100, I also sadly did not get an answer for the average of a 10-11 Year Old(Being Wordgirl) but lets just say between the range of 39-50, At least 49 Which would mean Squeaky would have an Average Of 98, However This could be impossible for some reasons, Both numbers are close to the Maximum Number, being 50 and 100 and both the averages I got were High, but is this even possible? My Answer is No however there could be two outcomes
I could be correct that my numbers were just off
Or I could be Incorrect and my numbers were close to the ones I predicted (EX:50,48,47-Wordgirl 99,97/96-Squeaky Etc)
However I completely Want to change the numbers some how
With The Knowledge that wordgirl has "Supernatural Intellect" then Squeaky could be at an even level of IQ or Double the average of Wordgirl, so id say Wordgirl has (just a guess btw) 162 IQ, and if Squeaky is smarter, then he would have 324 IQ, But Just In case I'm wrong with either guess of 49/98 And 162/324. Then Please tell me how I'm wrong and if you have an answer too then that would help a bunch.